Pug Cheat Sheet


Oct 1st, 2017
  1. Pug Cheat Sheet 2020
  2. Pug Cheat Sheet California
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  1. // ## Syntax
  2. html
  3. meta(name='Pugcupid',)
  4. main#page
  5. h2.title Pugcupid Festival
  6. // ## Variables
  7. - var stringVariable = 'string'
  8. - var arrayVariable = ['Pug', 'Dancer', 'Cake']
  9. // ### Concatentation
  10. // ## Interpolation
  11. - var star = 'Prime Minister'
  12. p #{star} is heading to his pug
  13. each value in arrayVariable
  14. each value in ['Pug', 'Dancer', 'Cake']
  15. each value, index in ['Pug', 'Dancer', 'Cake']
  16. p= x
  17. // ## Conditionals
  18. h2 This pug launched into space
  19. h2 This pug is engaged in battle
  20. h2 This pug shoud not have a break
  21. h2 This pug is free
  22. // ### Declarations
  23. blockquote As a pug, I often live the high life. ZeZeZe!
  24. h2= name
  25. h3= age
  26. // ### Usages
  27. // ## Includes
  28. include ./path-to/file.pug
  29. // ### Include other file types as plain text
  30. include script.js
  31. // ### template.pug
  32. - var pageTitle = 'Pugcupid'
  33. head
  34. body
  35. block content
  36. // ### extends template.pug
  37. - var pageTitle = 'Pug title'
  38. block ribbon
  39. p This wipes out 'Pugs fo life'

Here are 5 characteristics that may help you decide if the pug is the right dog breed for you: 1. Pugs are natural cuddlers. If you want a small affectionate dog that will bond easily with you, the Pug might be your go-to-breed. As a breed, they tend to be expressive, exuberant, and often comical. Pugs For Dummies Cheat Sheet By Elaine Waldorf Gewirtz Finding the perfect Pug means looking for the right place to buy or adopt your dog and checking the general condition of the Pug. Once you decide to bring the dog home, you’ll want to stock up on certain supplies to ease the homecoming.

Pug Cheat Sheet 2020

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Pug Cheat Sheet California