Hamachi For Mac


I downloaded LogMeIn Hamachi for Mac last night. When I open Hamachi for the first time, I am greeted with the message 'Please click the Power on button to get started.' I click ok, and at this point, the client is a simple rectangular box with a blue power button, and the text '' (newline) 'Offline'. Hamachi is a cloud-based VPN app that creates LAN networks to send messages, play games, and much more once you connect. The main benefits of this program are its flexibility, ease of usage,.

Hamachi is the original name for the VPN client application for Linux, Windows, and Macs that allows for a virutual network to be created by simply joining with a Network name and a secure shared key. A virutal network adapter is installed and operates in the background tranfering traffic through a private (publically non-routable) IP address space. I’ve used this successfully on Windows and Linux and more recently Mac OS X. Windows installation is pretty straight forward. In this post I’ll review how to install the Hamachi client on the Mac. First, go to www.logmein.com and click to download the Hamachi client for Mac OS X. This is a command line installation so download the latest .tar.gz file to your Mac’s HD. Double-click on it to extract the Hamachi installation and configuraiton files.

Open up terminal, or my favorite iTerm, and navigate to the hamachi-x.x.x.x-x-osx folder you just downloaded. You will need to run the following commands as root so you will need to prepend sudo to your commands as follows.

Install hamachi:

sudo ./install

You will also need to install the tunneling adapter by issuing the tuncfg command.

sudo ./tuncfg/tuncfg

Now you can continue to utilize the command line interface or the easiest way to impelement this is to download the GUI interface HamachiX. This provides a visual interface much like the windows version that comes directly from the LogMeIn Hamachi Windows executable. Installing this in OS X will allow you to complete the remaining configuration.

Logmein Hamachi


Logmein Hamachi For Mac

You can click on the + Add button at the top of the HamachiX window

to add a network or create a new one.

Just don’t forget the Network name and password as you will need this for other Hamachi installation to access your virutalized network.

By the way for Linux users there is a similar but less feature rich Gnome GUI front end called ghamachi and can be downloaded here.

Hamachi For Mac

  • In: Apple|How To|Open Source
  • Tags: hamachi, howto, linux, Mac, osx, virtual, vpn, windows