Use your district employee number and district password.
Forgot/Reset Employee Password
Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) is excited to announce the Microsoft Student Advantage program. Because of HCPS’s enterprise agreement with Microsoft, students are able to download and install Microsoft Office ProPlus desktop applications on their home computers for FREE! Introduction to Microsoft Outlook 2019/Office 365. SDHC Workforce Connections. 20th Street Tampa, FL 33610 US. Free Access Microsoft Office 365. To print or download this file, click the link below: Free Access Microsoft Office 365.pdf — PDF document, 27 KB (28480.
Quarter 3 Middle and High School Report Cards Now Available. Third quarter report cards for the 2020-2021 school year are now available online for all 6th through 12th grade students.
Office 365 Outlook Login
Use your district student ID (lunch number) and district password.
Forgot/Reset Student Password
Office 365 Login Portal
As a result of the new eLearning environment, please be aware that most devices have audio and video capability that may be used or accessed for learning interactions between teachers and students. Any user’s continued use of the eLearning environment constitutes acceptance and acknowledgment of the above. The district shall not be responsible for any misuse of the technology and the user holds the district harmless in any matters relating to the use of this device by anyone.