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Field Effect Transistor: (07) Types of FET, construction, working and characteristics of JFET, application of FET as VVR. 電線についての質問です。VVF線とVA線は同じ単線ですが、違いはありますでしょうか?全くの素人なのですいません 電気工事士ですVVFが正式名称です平形ビニール外装ケーブルです中部地方ではVA関東ではFケーブルと呼んでますその他の地域はごめんなさいわかりません同様に丸形ビニール外装. FET AS A VOLTAGE -VARIABLE RESISTOR (VVR). FET is operated in the constant current portion of its output characteristics for the linear applications. .emitter Resistance in CE amplifiers: Cascode amplifiers: Darlington Pair, analysis of Single stage FET amplifier-CS and CD Configuration, FET as VVR. Chapter 8 2003.11.6 - 전계 효과 트랜지스터 전계 효과 트랜지스터 (FET) 증폭기,스위치,디지털 용용분야에 사용.
®Threshold voltage, VT, is the voltage required to fully deplete the doped channel layer:
Two regions:
quadratic region where the depletion layer is less than the channel thickness d
Fet As Vvr Pdf
saturated region where the depletion layer at the drain end equals the channel thickness d
The drain current become independent of the drain voltage and equals:
Fig.8.x Drain current versus Drain-Source voltage at a gate-source voltage of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 0.8 and 1.0 Volt for a silicon JFET with built-in potential of 1 V. Channel parameters and device dimensions are listed in the table below.
Channel width | W | 1 mm |
Channel length | L | 1 mm |
| mn | 100 cm2/V-s |
Channel doping | Nd | 1017 cm-3 |
Channel thickness |
Built-in potential | fi | 1 V |
Table 8.x JFET parameters
The transfer characteristic of a JFET is shown in the figure below and compared to a quadratic expression of the form
Fet As Vvr In Vca
where is the average depletion layer width in the channel layer. The quadratic expression yields the same current at VG = fi for = 3d/8.
Fig.8.x Transfer characteristic of a JFET. Shown is the square root of the drain current of the JFET (solid line) and a quadratic fit with =3d/8.