Visual Studio Code Spring



  1. Visual Studio Code Spring Boot Maven
  2. Visual Studio Code Spring Project

Visual Studio Code Spring Boot Maven

Collection of extensions for developing and deploying Spring Boot Application

Spring Boot

The Spring Boot Support extension provides:

  • IDE Java tooling for developing and troubleshooting Spring Boot applications.
  • Support for editing Spring Boot Application configuration properties files (.properties and .yml)

Cloud Foundry Deployment Manifest

The Cloud Foundry Manifest YML Support extension provides support for editing Cloud Foundry deployment manifest .yml files for Spring Boot application deployment

Concourse CI Pipeline

The Concourse CI Pipeline Editor provides support for setting up Concourse build pipeline for the Spring Boot application

Spring Initializr Java

The Spring Initializr Java Support extension provides support for generating quickstart Spring Boot Java projects with Spring Initiailizr API.

Spring Boot Dashboard

The Spring Boot Dashboard extension provides an explorer in the side bar where you can view all of a workspace's spring boot projects conveniently in one place. You can also quickly start, stop or debug a project.

Visual Studio Code Spring Project

Unlike JavaScript, Java code needs to be compiled so it wont work out of the box with visual studio code since it's just a glorified text editor. There are however multiple tools to accommodate for this, and the folks at VS code have a nice guide for setting you up - This video describes how to install and use the Spring Initializr extension for Visual Studio code.After extension has been installed, you may access it by t.